Royal Dramatic Theatre, Main Stage, 2002 A radically re-worked version of Ibsen's drama."Much happiness is associated with Ghosts, and I think it's a good play of to round off with." - Ingmar Bergman "It feels as if Strindberg and Bergman have got together over a few beers and decided to hot up Ibsen." - Stefan Eklund, Borås Tidning |
When Ingmar Bergman staged Ghosts at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in 2002 (premiere 9 February), it was a heavily adapted version of Ibsen's play that appeared on the stage. Bergman moved things around, re-wrote them, took away certain parts and added some of his own. This radical re-working placesPernilla August's Mrs Alving at the absolute centre of events. Bergman also inserted some lines fromStrindberg's The Pelican and The Ghost Sonata. In this way he drew together two of his most cherished dramatists in one and the same production.
The work was performed on the main stage of the Royal Dramatic Theatre. The set suggested a 19th century interior. A high window at the back of the stage gave a glimpse of a park through a rainy mist. Long, heavy, dark green velvet curtains flanked the window. A portrait of the deceased Chamberlain Alving gave a silent reminder of his presence in the lives of the characters even after his death. The action itself took place at the front of the stage. The furniture was arranged on the revolving stage, gradually turning to change the set, with the interiors and actors always facing out towards the audience. Although the play was performed on the main stage, an intimate chamber atmosphere was created. Many critics interpreted the production as a celebration of the tradition represented by the Royal Dramatic Theatre, in particular the quality of its acting.
O. G. Brockett, History of the Theatre, ninth edition, New York: Allyn & Bacon 2002.
Bernt Olsson and Ingemar Algulin, Litteraturens historia i Sverige, Norstedts Förlag, 1987.
Henrik Sjögren, Lek och raseri: Ingmar Bergmans teater 1938-2002 (Carlssons Bokförlag 2002).
Per Arne Tjäder, Fruktan, medkänsla och kritisk distans: Den västerländska dramateorins historia, Studentlitteratur, 2000
O. G. Brockett, History of the Theatre, ninth edition, New York: Allyn & Bacon 2002.
Bernt Olsson and Ingemar Algulin, Litteraturens historia i Sverige, Norstedts Förlag, 1987.
Henrik Sjögren, Lek och raseri: Ingmar Bergmans teater 1938-2002 (Carlssons Bokförlag 2002).
Per Arne Tjäder, Fruktan, medkänsla och kritisk distans: Den västerländska dramateorins historia, Studentlitteratur, 2000
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